"The great use of a life is to spend it for something that outlasts it." ―William James 1842-1910
  • Anonymous
  • 2022-05-19 22:23:08
  • MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 WUS File size CRC
Stored files
27,293 A7DD79F1
771,052 6825BD56
1,825,070 0EB8DA09
264 5F26AFA9
314 3B64B52D
17,885 ED116339
17,116 034954DD
18,380 803E5176
27,487 519E9D82
26,644 920A2BF9
Music files
01-barbaratum_marat_anim_(she_wolf_of_anum)-17e5efbc-wus.mp3 14,066,150 17E5EFBC
02-dimme_(upon_the_night_winds)-9504ad32-wus.mp3 15,295,272 9504AD32
03-in_her_hands_fever_and_frost-ece7a593-wus.mp3 16,245,565 ECE7A593
04-pasussatu_(lamatu_the_exterminator)-03fc2500-wus.mp3 21,294,341 03FC2500
05-saggastu_demon_of_the_steppe-7a5b2e7a-wus.mp3 24,902,228 7A5B2E7A

Total size: 91,803,556
Labels MUSIC, MP3