The purpose of life is not happiness: it's usefulness.
Darius Foroux
  • Anonymous
  • 2023-02-10 01:55:06
  • MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 PTC File size CRC
Stored files
17,123 66515976
212 96F5D94A
252 A8653F32
8,059 199DC4B3
7,956 847C6821
8,207 3BBB075C
7,827 244BFB48
Music files
01-artificial_intelligence-sea_bed.mp3 10,426,035 C154B9EF
02-artificial_intelligence-state_of_mind_(spheres_of_life).mp3 9,836,712 A58C2C8C
03-artificial_intelligence-forgotten_truths_feat._steo_(glxy_remix).mp3 12,446,868 B3BDB429
04-artificial_intelligence-no_fun.mp3 10,765,627 2F4DFF98

Total size: 43,475,242
Labels MUSIC, MP3