Still have RARs on CD or DVD? Now it's the time to read them back in!
  • Anonymous
  • 2023-03-06 05:38:16
  • MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 FiH File size CRC
Stored files
19,448 17F32822
227,784 932BD910
264 E447DDCA
354 0222B7C0
144,433 BDEEF2A8
144,475 9771C84C
144,352 EED7CA06
144,407 4A999AA0
144,180 874D7D8F
144,318 7CE1B36B
144,475 74443E38
142,694 5DFA2532
144,256 763AA43E
Music files
01-aurore-run.mp3 7,583,433 2F861F70
02-aurore-roller_derby_(feat_charley_gouverneur).mp3 6,983,733 25C7BCD5
03-aurore-cool.mp3 4,662,945 2D25F812
04-aurore-bathroom_(feat_deborah_roulet).mp3 6,583,510 F546D7C5
05-aurore-holidays.mp3 7,382,822 B8E13645
06-aurore-whip_it.mp3 9,763,100 4319B467
07-aurore-hostile.mp3 8,343,082 A2A5CFC4
08-aurore-were_all_leaving.mp3 2,570,040 8BEF4878
09-aurore-sparks_die_young.mp3 9,332,618 AF888E6F

Total size: 63,205,283
Labels MUSIC, MP3