The most dangerous phrase in the language is, "We've always done it this way." ―Grace Hopper
  • Anonymous
  • 2022-12-31 12:57:55
  • MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 ENTiTLED File size CRC
Stored files
8,973 AF3B7188
470,484 F0EBA2CF
394 0A17E918
494 5CE151EE
485,767 F60BF81B
489,307 5E534E90
490,219 54E8B6B7
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487,713 3D4C1019
486,072 6C670C46
485,212 70FAEDAC
485,671 6E169480
483,806 C6FB88D8
485,155 FC78EA37
Music files
01-bezwering-wereldbrand-cd34bdac.mp3 10,999,363 CD34BDAC
02-bezwering-nijd-ee709be3.mp3 14,703,036 EE709BE3
03-bezwering-ontaarding-cd5a4c0c.mp3 15,224,974 CD5A4C0C
04-bezwering-de_wil_van_het_kwaad-eeced507.mp3 12,064,152 EECED507
05-bezwering-vuurzucht-700a4b1e.mp3 12,869,506 700A4B1E
06-bezwering-wolvengang-eaeaa6e3.mp3 11,078,853 EAEAA6E3
07-bezwering-ondergronds-ed5bb7c4.mp3 10,423,048 ED5BB7C4
08-bezwering-het_leven_ontstegen-3b4e132b.mp3 10,719,066 3B4E132B
09-bezwering-voorgoed_gekweld-6d1305d7.mp3 8,410,661 6D1305D7
10-bezwering-lijf_noch_lijk-e494f90f.mp3 10,075,803 E494F90F

Total size: 116,568,462
Labels MUSIC, MP3