The most dangerous phrase in the language is, "We've always done it this way." ―Grace Hopper
  • Anonymous
  • 2022-08-11 16:29:07
  • MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 BABAS File size CRC
Stored files
6,863 5D2F01AE
220 B15D551C
280 1B5BEE9A
20,439 FB1606FE
29,999 92962631
19,471 9BD7C903
23,714 50D13F0F
23,238 7DDFC2BE
19,629 03C7E406
Music files
01-bru_cxm--odissey-de70eae3.mp3 10,749,602 7696B970
02-bru_cxm--pegaso-7dfb5cd6.mp3 16,478,229 668EE9E8
03-bru_cxm--sculptor-d6e9d312.mp3 10,377,247 6E4A9413
04-bru_cxm--in_mars_i_dream-49897871.mp3 13,732,647 9C807550
05-bru_cxm--the_end_of_the_world-4dc7cd4a.mp3 12,284,027 BACADB92
06-bru_cxm--red_star-01a70822.mp3 10,901,265 DF53D836

Total size: 74,523,017
Labels MUSIC, MP3