Providing info to the public and those not-l33t-enough sceners ;)
  • Anonymous
  • 2022-08-15 21:41:48
  • MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 BABAS File size CRC
Stored files
6,929 FA4FF9C5
71,799 F6EA9C9C
273 99862B65
343 3C6A6F69
159,444 C524B9D0
149,750 AF82B750
154,119 8CE6DFB3
151,273 39796E1C
147,599 6B37A08E
149,222 F642A48C
160,203 92697E9F
Music files
01-crypthios--sea_shelter-445bf7dc.mp3 21,555,116 744C24C3
02-crypthios--white_fog-1c0af8f6.mp3 11,710,698 AB175E97
03-crypthios--catatonia-e4242074.mp3 15,033,658 14EDF18C
04-crypthios--below_the_islands-867f0851.mp3 11,183,559 CF6A0060
05-crypthios--bronze_face-ede36a55.mp3 7,975,638 0F5C5A36
06-crypthios--forgiveness-927ad2b3.mp3 11,029,793 ED83BDE6
07-crypthios--vestigium-c35def79.mp3 20,638,866 8D237928

Total size: 99,127,328
Labels MUSIC, MP3