The most dangerous phrase in the language is, "We've always done it this way." ―Grace Hopper
  • Anonymous
  • 2023-09-18 14:50:37
  • MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 GUESTS File size CRC
Stored files
660 AE87D220
112,742 42836B5C
211 923B3CE2
271 EEB94225
70,861 55194BF9
70,709 4851D54D
70,776 CBE5E7BB
70,932 B3C89852
70,943 BF1E3075
70,740 86219601
Music files
01-el_bobby-entre_nos_mains.mp3 6,323,728 65CF38E2
02-el_bobby-monde_etrange.mp3 6,819,005 7E1FB860
03-el_bobby-jencule_paris_(feat._lola).mp3 5,875,474 5D09E86C
04-el_bobby-fils_de_boomer.mp3 5,763,660 06EE29B4
05-el_bobby-trop_(feat._kilua_kierra_and_rys).mp3 8,602,664 B4DC7EA9
06-el_bobby-pour_toi.mp3 7,535,795 8B77C80F

Total size: 40,920,326
Labels MUSIC, MP3