"People must know the past to understand the present and face the future." ―Nellie McClung"
  • Anonymous
  • 2023-11-10 08:15:25
  • MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 ENTiTLED File size CRC
Stored files
8,964 377AB5C7
382,468 200400BE
410 6EA4B3D2
510 D07B7CBD
392,207 A15305D8
393,298 13E18305
395,317 D810C04D
394,058 18FF6415
396,958 B841C252
394,143 08AC8FB4
396,535 CB4638AA
402,796 C48EEBB6
393,944 77F63947
393,283 9D7BCFB5
Music files
01-extinkt-radioactive_death-db7a882e.mp3 5,041,509 DB7A882E
02-extinkt-chems_in_my_veins-6dcf59f7.mp3 5,892,908 6DCF59F7
03-extinkt-battle_song-212f21c0.mp3 7,950,268 212F21C0
04-extinkt-how_have_you_fallen-c06535bd.mp3 6,666,911 C06535BD
05-extinkt-temple_of_trials-849d44a9.mp3 9,707,463 849D44A9
06-extinkt-human_no-go_zone-b7dec7f9.mp3 6,692,007 B7DEC7F9
07-extinkt-from_before-a61a0def.mp3 9,108,128 A61A0DEF
08-extinkt-fed_with_disease-80dea6a4.mp3 15,302,217 80DEA6A4
09-extinkt-redemption_song-9aac43be.mp3 6,634,478 9AAC43BE
10-extinkt-as_the_sky_falls_apart-64f8602d.mp3 6,012,158 64F8602D

Total size: 79,008,047
Labels MUSIC, MP3