The purpose of life is not happiness: it's usefulness.
Darius Foroux
  • Anonymous
  • 2018-06-16 18:15:00
  • PC
Compression is used


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 SKIDROW File size CRC
Stored files
11,264 6587ECFE
165 B2A1F940
sr-footballtacticsandglorybuild16062018u.rar 5,000,000 D885EF19
sr-footballtacticsandglorybuild16062018u.r00 5,000,000 F8C50FA3
sr-footballtacticsandglorybuild16062018u.r01 4,580,074 C68DB443

Total size: 14,580,074
Archived files
SKIDROW\ftg.bin 186,560 9CDCFD68
SKIDROW\ftg64.bin 206,760 BBD912FC
SKIDROW\steam_api.dll 183,808 64815242
SKIDROW\steam_api.ini 2,405 12B5D7A1
SKIDROW\steam_api64.dll 208,384 6889C892
SKIDROW\steam_api64.ini 2,404 5D0BB895
UNTOUCHED\steam_api.dll 186,560 9CDCFD68
changelog.txt 2,853 7B63503D
Football.Tactics.and.Glory.Build.16062018.Update.exe 14,052,013 216D39BC
skidrow.nfo 11,411 5C0ACFE4
SKIDROW 0 00000000
UNTOUCHED 0 00000000

Total size: 15,043,158
RAR Recovery
Not Present
Labels GAME, PC