Use pyReScene to create SRRs from your collection and upload them here.
  • Anonymous
  • 2024-04-24 20:36:36
  • MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 BERC File size CRC
Stored files
9,836 2F387B56
305,975 D239CC3D
343 0C037399
413 F25B5475
7,931 1CD29FD9
7,753 73C6C0A5
8,443 CC978F07
8,241 8A106D24
8,269 AE6C6D31
8,200 AC41AAAA
8,083 4B220845
Music files
01-inexistencia-the_cult_of_the_death_skull-berc.mp3 9,091,022 CFE9A763
02-inexistencia-white_wolves_black_lair-berc.mp3 12,759,263 8A91C5CC
03-werewolf_bloodorder-spell_of_hatred-berc.mp3 12,442,610 8672F5B9
04-werewolf_bloodorder-blood_and_war_(evil_cover)-berc.mp3 6,558,135 07E94470
05-promethean_gate-alquimia_da_alma-berc.mp3 9,967,201 FE8AF0A8
06-promethean_gate-os_caminhos_da_morte-berc.mp3 9,989,598 1675E627
07-windspirit-inner_wilderness-berc.mp3 20,719,984 D06ED367

Total size: 81,527,813
Labels MUSIC, MP3