"The great use of a life is to spend it for something that outlasts it." ―William James 1842-1910
  • Anonymous
  • 2021-05-23 01:48:58
  • MP3


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 BABAS File size CRC
Stored files
7,017 ECC7E216
159,368 9712374C
374 E7BE0E4D
464 95A4097E
328,834 A19F7D72
177,489 4EB9F805
171,803 64E12B01
176,154 683E49F7
170,177 6FB8CAB8
173,097 FFA267AA
171,350 62455C87
170,416 2995CFC3
184,421 95EDB77B
Music files
01-lufth--democracy_is_dead_like_printed_matter-2e104f69.mp3 14,231,698 2E104F69
02-lufth--methan_on_mars-e59f6362.mp3 18,837,976 E59F6362
03-lufth--duisburg_links-22265672.mp3 12,637,621 22265672
04-lufth--distanz_und_nahe-f1f0a2ca.mp3 16,957,373 F1F0A2CA
05-lufth--rotes_dortmund-22c7c16c.mp3 11,100,083 22C7C16C
06-lufth--motion-emotion-722b196f.mp3 13,903,213 722B196F
07-lufth--nicht_ohne_dich-444b42f0.mp3 12,216,107 444B42F0
08-lufth--ebbe_und_flut-deb19e6f.mp3 11,121,001 DEB19E6F
09-lufth--zwischen_uns_der_mund-967869d7.mp3 24,931,653 967869D7

Total size: 135,936,725
Labels MUSIC, MP3