The most dangerous phrase in the language is, "We've always done it this way." ―Grace Hopper
  • Anonymous
  • 2023-12-04 23:55:51
  • MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 OND File size CRC
Stored files
10,111 389AA732
385,196 A9EE502D
67 06C04B39
87 F8246A84
398,600 97584083
399,605 B544C3EE
Music files
01-naimo-edn-fd097ec4.mp3 8,496,864 FD097EC4
02-naimo-the_nightbird_song-ce2ddc3b.mp3 9,547,022 CE2DDC3B

Total size: 18,043,886
Labels MUSIC, MP3