Providing info to the public and those not-l33t-enough sceners ;)
  • Anonymous
  • 2024-01-03 18:51:37
  • MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 BLEEDiNG File size CRC
Stored files
6,664 6A55B716
600,645 5FF21F4A
238 04686ADA
318 E580C1E1
241,109 893DB96F
250,412 E099C252
248,492 84927511
252,069 8A0A48FE
247,161 A74661D7
254,004 BCE193FA
247,333 0683895D
246,501 C3C3523A
Music files
01-obsidian-apex.mp3 5,406,270 8AD21C67
02-obsidian-extinction_event.mp3 10,405,900 C0D76CC2
03-obsidian-thrall.mp3 9,515,783 92E716A3
04-obsidian-the_devils_teeth.mp3 11,833,615 9FF52571
05-obsidian-phurba.mp3 8,680,075 6FE872E6
06-obsidian-interspatial_subatomic_displacement.mp3 12,847,169 10CEF2FB
07-obsidian-undying_hate.mp3 8,917,515 A2AE7873
08-obsidian-extinct.mp3 8,500,174 1EB64DC8

Total size: 76,106,501
Labels MUSIC, MP3