Still have RARs on CD or DVD? Now it's the time to read them back in!
  • Anonymous
  • 2023-11-18 22:19:17
  • MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 wAx File size CRC
Stored files
7,429 B4AD79EB
217 22B8D850
287 2905E0F4
2,837 174D86A0
4,968 94788F44
5,534 E6298796
3,891 6224AD79
6,015 E7C81C4A
4,616 3E276CAB
5,476 3DC5D7C8
Music files
01-serpentin-intro.mp3 2,197,632 5BC7E304
02-serpentin-schrammen.mp3 6,449,280 AA0E0A5B
03-serpentin-es_ist_nur_echt_wenn_es_brennt.mp3 8,319,104 A49D6370
04-serpentin-panta_rhei.mp3 8,640,640 5E779410
05-serpentin-lieb_mich.mp3 9,582,720 BCACD3AD
06-serpentin-schall_und_rauch.mp3 10,375,296 33777224
07-serpentin-herz_geklaut.mp3 7,985,280 0DC2A0DB

Total size: 53,549,952
Labels MUSIC, MP3