iNFekt and jane are able to display the NFOs inside SRRs.
  • Anonymous
  • 2022-10-27 06:29:27
  • MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 TosK File size CRC
Stored files
7,670 7F377F0D
349,666 F3F84C41
266 094C77E9
346 4793D51E
8,522 DAC98091
8,494 2DBB6AE7
8,705 6FC99269
8,410 491F8C50
8,400 920538B3
8,525 C028FAC2
8,459 8E276D2D
8,628 3595A6CC
Music files
01-sammy_chang-hate_pink.mp3 7,721,016 EF55F9DD
02-sammy_chang-scorpio.mp3 7,981,202 B230E6A2
03-sammy_chang-too_deep_too_soon_(feat._ben_wu).mp3 7,753,432 5BF5666D
04-sammy_chang-dont_overthink_it.mp3 9,180,739 0655D908
05-sammy_chang-happy_with_me.mp3 9,099,249 23923730
06-sammy_chang-like_a_cat.mp3 6,955,103 CFF78A73
07-sammy_chang-film.mp3 7,910,137 D351872B
08-sammy_chang-life_in_nature.mp3 7,789,979 11BB73EB

Total size: 64,390,857
Labels MUSIC, MP3