Providing info to the public and those not-l33t-enough sceners ;)
  • Anonymous
  • 2022-11-16 13:30:26
  • MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 PTC File size CRC
Stored files
17,194 E8E55D36
281 960B8178
341 BCA6632B
6,237 E83E442C
6,175 DCCCD0CF
6,387 387CA7AF
6,315 C430B119
6,179 D29E0EEC
6,231 54CEBCC5
Music files
01-samurai_breaks_and_arcane-dem_kicks.mp3 12,405,324 CF22CA76
02-samurai_breaks_and_arcane-i_cant_do_it_alone.mp3 11,204,757 60055A13
03-samurai_breaks_and_arcane-siren_wob.mp3 14,005,063 5BD3CCCE
04-samurai_breaks_and_arcane-remember_dat.mp3 12,405,330 B2C512A6
05-samurai_breaks_and_arcane-run_da_scene.mp3 10,084,612 815B8CDE
06-samurai_breaks_and_arcane-sunshine_dreaming.mp3 13,764,753 D30F3D4C

Total size: 73,869,839
Labels MUSIC, MP3