The purpose of life is not happiness: it's usefulness.
Darius Foroux
  • Anonymous
  • 2022-08-15 22:18:49
  • MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 BABAS File size CRC
Stored files
6,821 638AED9E
218,488 B3A94C4A
316 6E7EA88B
366 1FB1CE5E
342,949 C48606C0
342,882 0FC3E64D
341,342 177DCE79
346,389 4FD8FFE4
342,561 734A2151
Music files
01-sebastian_melmoth--the_sharpest_dart_in_melancholys_quiver-f1ed219a.mp3 10,661,753 178ACFCE
02-sebastian_melmoth--the_wealth_of_india-62a6d95d.mp3 10,809,188 D046C411
03-sebastian_melmoth--fallen_house-c6e4407d.mp3 9,090,691 149C98A0
04-sebastian_melmoth--mourning_glory-488c871e.mp3 14,087,165 D1ED6FD9
05-sebastian_melmoth--the_sharpest_dart_in_melancholys_quiver_(qual_remix)-38f86329.mp3 11,247,508 FF12A396

Total size: 55,896,305
Labels MUSIC, MP3