iNFekt and jane are able to display the NFOs inside SRRs.
  • Anonymous
  • 2019-10-29 16:12:14
  • MP3


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.6 ENSLAVE File size CRC
Stored files
739 3F4FAB8F
27,759 CEC4C15F
181 0966A469
221 664FD105
45,770 5F116375
54,085 F58ED90F
50,393 DF11244C
48,877 77853FEC
Music files
01-sunset_on_mars-theta_eridani-81b1f4c9.mp3 12,417,390 81B1F4C9
02-sunset_on_mars-alpha_eridani-25d45fcf.mp3 21,172,986 25D45FCF
03-sunset_on_mars-eta_cassiopeiae-0f37beeb.mp3 17,200,495 0F37BEEB
04-sunset_on_mars-alpha_crucis-6bf27d59.mp3 15,741,398 6BF27D59

Total size: 66,532,269
Labels MUSIC, MP3