Still have RARs on CD or DVD? Now it's the time to read them back in!
  • Anonymous
  • 2023-01-09 14:37:39
  • MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 FiH File size CRC
Stored files
19,688 3A858422
460,056 B38778AE
386 10928F27
506 6A9A86B5
241,475 4793E034
240,397 216DA366
240,846 48AAFFA7
241,807 63568D01
241,730 99DAEE6D
241,555 A1382428
241,513 0CE5468B
241,152 AD7A85B8
241,249 1B797288
240,893 2CC4A01B
241,811 B1C63F8B
242,519 5C715234
Music files
01-the_gobs-tanked_up.mp3 3,728,656 C1D04E9D
02-the_gobs-i_wanna_fuck_the_moon.mp3 2,351,504 22F92B1F
03-the_gobs-faces_of_death.mp3 2,899,017 C7F3A81D
04-the_gobs-friends_with_joan_jett.mp3 4,252,176 9DA352DE
05-the_gobs-dickhead_island.mp3 4,091,247 B2F86D95
06-the_gobs-cybernetic_fucktech.mp3 3,748,529 F4350C91
07-the_gobs-laserdisc.mp3 3,654,468 503C3A98
08-the_gobs-somebody_wants_to_hurt_me.mp3 3,387,006 4E7E6B81
09-the_gobs-watching_tv.mp3 3,331,599 518AC313
10-the_gobs-violent_world.mp3 2,877,074 F1F1ECA7
11-the_gobs-mind_control.mp3 4,468,452 04A9691B
12-the_gobs-nuke_the_sun.mp3 5,097,480 443E3D20

Total size: 43,887,208
Labels MUSIC, MP3