The purpose of life is not happiness: it's usefulness.
Darius Foroux
  • Anonymous
  • 2023-05-14 00:38:57
  • MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 GCP File size CRC
Stored files
18,287 7D009EE6
529,511 CA0C23E3
352 C615CF80
412 CAB35516
6,512 6B4E36D2
6,583 6182510B
6,576 9E0B037B
6,469 99A474F1
6,479 14ED24A5
6,382 59845715
Music files
01-the_roots-concerto_of_the_desperado_(clean)-gcp.mp3 7,747,918 68958E83
02-the_roots-concerto_of_the_desperado_(lp_version)-gcp.mp3 7,773,847 79413BFE
03-the_roots-concerto_of_the_desperado_(instrumental)-gcp.mp3 7,476,329 A5F89D8D
04-the_roots-universe_at_war_(clean)_(feat_common)-gcp.mp3 9,919,794 6967107D
05-the_roots-universe_at_war_(lp_version)_(feat_common)-gcp.mp3 9,675,957 B21A80F1
06-the_roots-universe_at_war_(instrumental)-gcp.mp3 9,001,712 F627499D

Total size: 51,595,557
Labels MUSIC, MP3