Collecting meta data in a way the scene can't.
  • Anonymous
  • 2022-05-17 12:18:08
  • Unknown
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 iLEARN File size CRC
Stored files
201 C7AC3A3B
522 A03ED891
ilearn-lsfsead.rar 350,000,000 D930D81A
ilearn-lsfsead.r00 350,000,000 88E1474C
ilearn-lsfsead.r01 350,000,000 63BD92D7
ilearn-lsfsead.r02 350,000,000 3F5E2581
ilearn-lsfsead.r03 350,000,000 88A6D2FA
ilearn-lsfsead.r04 350,000,000 7F4E8290
ilearn-lsfsead.r05 350,000,000 7E56D12B
ilearn-lsfsead.r06 350,000,000 43888A2E
ilearn-lsfsead.r07 350,000,000 05C44753
ilearn-lsfsead.r08 350,000,000 2F7F2F9D
ilearn-lsfsead.r09 350,000,000 69D9E1BA
ilearn-lsfsead.r10 350,000,000 82DA1029
ilearn-lsfsead.r11 350,000,000 F1FD72E3
ilearn-lsfsead.r12 350,000,000 706BC5CD
ilearn-lsfsead.r13 350,000,000 DDD99DEC
ilearn-lsfsead.r14 350,000,000 53146444
ilearn-lsfsead.r15 350,000,000 36146EB1
ilearn-lsfsead.r16 50,493,359 A5C68B2B

Total size: 6,000,493,359
Archived files
7. Creating Circles.mp4 [483a969fa5bf23c9] 26,711,358 86235AFA
8. Creating Arcs.mp4 [7890e7b26376f6f3] 30,246,834 AA71C66B
9. Creating Rectangles.mp4 [69234c489fbcea2d] 34,780,814 D796ED43
10. Creating Polygons.mp4 [9e67e46ce1ee3f6e] 27,166,928 9BB89B72
11. Creating Splines.mp4 [2c2194475b6fd044] 30,895,647 1FE0638A
12. Creating Slots.mp4 [6c11d11161c97c75] 31,519,978 3980C7D6
13. Placing Points.mp4 [811307eb1c40b508] 16,863,278 A78C84F5
14. Creating Ellipses and Elliptical Arcs.mp4 [e3ac659f405f6ad4] 21,780,935 2EC6AC60
15. Creating Parabolic and Conic Curves.mp4 [46aff15b34baaa64] 25,486,146 9F82354D
16. Creating Equation Driven Curves.mp4 [863a7ff169a5d5c1] 21,327,512 DA5386E9
17. Drawing Display Tools.mp4 [15748f1f5e023003] 39,643,024 FB254A27
18. Deleting Sketching Entities.mp4 [a106b5e5df96ed9e] 15,891,109 11553577
19. Practice Example 1.mp4 [7770a666342a1251] 55,826,003 7E35AFEF
20. Practice Example 2.mp4 [a9e943f53418ffe4] 40,310,538 97805DB9
21. Practice Example 3.mp4 [701571a3ca6119d6] 49,559,671 1113214D
22. Trimming Entities.mp4 [2b47b33d0953e573] 49,056,895 A3873CD2
23. Extending Entities.mp4 [83c254b0df2dafff] 23,921,368 4C474796
24. Convert Entities Tool.mp4 [d870afa2ce977a3f] 27,785,975 D2153C51
25. Creating Intersection Curves.mp4 [7cd0c4484e79a603] 29,880,431 D40F8625
26. Filleting Entities.mp4 [6c3dd37a3a1d03c3] 47,535,148 8A51C5F9
27. Creating Chamfers.mp4 [30237e3e308bc57c] 37,558,525 918E8234
28. Offsetting Entities.mp4 [76c35533c409c052] 48,078,261 EA4E47D3
29. Offset on Surface Tool.mp4 [4d33365a033b6c3d] 31,871,204 AE6E37C1
30. Mirroring Entities.mp4 [7e2c553fbfc9f582] 40,577,513 C099C41B
31. Dynamically Mirror Entities.mp4 [4f6918f098624d12] 32,516,832 162179C6
32. Moving Entities.mp4 [40eca752bae0e7e2] 36,933,450 A1C7E42C
33. Rotating Entities.mp4 [9308e2d1ce9e43f7] 24,464,379 D9971638
34. Scaling Entities.mp4 [f043af452ee41c30] 37,382,331 7E496508
35. Stretching Entities.mp4 [c017abf0ba3dcd39] 18,622,626 E2A14F39
36. Copying and Pasting Entities.mp4 [dfcee51e9b49c837] 32,591,931 22E075CF
37. Creating Linear Patterns.mp4 [8693677123d74175] 47,507,771 48F3E550
38. Creating Circular Patterns.mp4 [ab0219a4d390778e] 32,200,913 F1DED0E3
39. Modifying Sketch Patterns.mp4 [c7a7dd25a6087f6b] 25,329,219 E2165E8A
40. Splitting Entities.mp4 [a7d10bddbdc6bf54] 27,921,440 A137E3FD
41. Writing Text.mp4 [f449cab609e20363] 28,026,251 AA7114B1
42. Practice Example 1.mp4 [1926497a94e987dd] 72,999,013 582B9629
43. Practice Example 2.mp4 [56876061cb25c412] 71,144,045 F64FD248
44. Practice Example 3.mp4 [ee412124fb5e8280] 79,386,110 858020DB
45. Adding Relations.mp4 [5e83b025724fb015] 34,032,696 7E3DC1A7
46. Adding Automatic Relations.mp4 [15b07ee8f109d907] 22,105,476 0E0BD2BC
47. Dimensioning a Sketch and Smart Dimension Tool.mp4 [7bdbad86aeb9c7a0] 48,385,211 1FA48F60
48. Adding Horizontal and Vertical Dimensions.mp4 [4f5e0fe2fdf6c762] 121,266,021 DFC93F28
49. Aligned Dimensions.mp4 [885feb44fd42dd94] 18,123,247 B945C4F3
50. Angular Dimensions.mp4 [739944b7f579b918] 25,782,430 9965B944
51. Adding Diametric Dimensions.mp4 [1dce3b97c2d0965b] 42,667,907 5D15201A
52. Adding Radial Dimensions.mp4 [b724a28aa9353938] 28,093,501 927A9243
53. Adding Linear Diametric Dimensions.mp4 [ae2c8ec8646c7324] 33,460,506 E7664254
54. Adding Ordinate Dimensions.mp4 [e0d1d75174889676] 38,951,511 8245A1B3
55. Practice Example 1.mp4 [70365a8958273eed] 166,252,450 55E70D99
56. Practice Example 2.mp4 [555dc71f7ad0f127] 176,680,615 2EF651F3
57. Fully Defining the Sketches.mp4 [1abe84b4aa3c472a] 61,598,924 E25B4AE8
58. Dimensioning the True Length of an Arc.mp4 [93b72ec45269ce78] 26,386,141 5B3FB66C
59. Measuring Distances.mp4 [8b6fecf8fd77024f] 72,545,707 35688BDA
60. Determining the Section Properties of Closed Sketches.mp4 [627c9dc9901b7637] 39,456,336 593B7813
61. Modifying the View Orientation.mp4 [12ad20b6146829ac] 70,007,272 BAB834CA
62. Changing the View Orientation using the Reference Triad.mp4 [237a098d2756b7d] 40,232,222 7350158E
63. Displaying the model in different Viewport configurations.mp4 [cb5a55d8fd02c452] 37,513,316 6AC15F65
64. Display Modes of a Model.mp4 [18a7a8aef4c2a24d] 29,285,232 8B7AA804
65. Assigning Materials to the Model.mp4 [78b4d7a84344d7cf] 35,530,097 09EC1AE9
66. Need for creating Planes.mp4 [defe6e27df59b2d8] 23,475,633 726306A4
67. Creating Offset Planes and Parallel Planes passing through a Point.mp4 [dff1f4dddc238b37] 46,258,544 E101DB6D
68. Creating planes at angle to an existing plane and passing through Lines, Points.mp4 [68fe57e0be265fee] 39,663,776 65932529
69. Creating a plane normal to a curve and in the middle of two faces.mp4 [f01537b58555d964] 39,183,449 7CECC66F
70. Creating a plane on non-planar surface.mp4 [89d69657cd334f5f] 27,696,292 9D9C3CE3
71. Creating Reference Axes.mp4 [f02818b79b6cfe73] 44,821,425 3F45C0F3
72. Creating Reference Points.mp4 [f7d9811a6112e0e] 62,467,438 FDB23952
73. Creating Reference Coordinate Systems.mp4 [de1a01c5cca0c9a2] 25,756,280 1B4C14A2
74. Creating Center of Mass.mp4 [a7222a7459e8b785] 25,496,554 7B5C32CF
75. Practice Example 1.mp4 [d749e7ca15d6bbd6] 149,273,806 9BEE540D
76. Creating Extruded Features.mp4 [56c9fd6efd7dfe56] 68,063,506 D892194D
77. Creating Revolved Features.mp4 [876eed55740ff7c6] 38,744,964 F479DF16
78. Creating Extruded Cuts.mp4 [dda296b85ca571c4] 51,468,530 227908EC
79. Creating Revolved Cuts.mp4 [ab557cc4105b1eb4] 33,051,912 2570E280
80. Determining the Mass Properties of Solid Models.mp4 [11d6f777924a13b4] 24,836,638 052E5E21
81. Dynamically Rotating the View of a Model.mp4 [5bb9cd8cd526702] 27,597,878 F18F8085
82. Practice Example 1.mp4 [9b487fcdddc82b95] 211,187,457 64B50EF1
83. Practice Example 2.mp4 [d362cc9c7314b5c9] 124,411,953 8A97A8FD
84. Practice Example 3.mp4 [8648c229e80a8250] 42,549,067 3449EB0A
85. Practice Example 4.mp4 [2bc0e0475f8a1753] 123,620,751 F144517E
86. Practice Example 5.mp4 [92edde041969e6e2] 155,054,088 7CAEB057
87. Practice Example 1.mp4 [c658ffc3e15eaf9a] 192,853,049 991346F9
88. Practice Example 2.mp4 [bf7cc55f5983e1e8] 96,343,675 8F32765B
89. Practice Example 3.mp4 [6222b7ac7ba08d14] 209,588,443 91B0C1BF
90. Practice Example 4.mp4 [4d4f7299e43b1070] 156,160,034 90FB463F
91. Practice Example 5.mp4 [389fe44325cedcf1] 125,426,411 CFD769FD
92. Practice Example 1.mp4 [eed97d18b8927eb3] 398,360,555 A985F3E7
93. Practice Example 2.mp4 [3e297391710bbabe] 93,897,999 FF2540C1
94. Practice Example 1.mp4 [cd709232b5713d22] 186,049,038 AE57137F
95. Practice Example 2.mp4 [e6089d9fbe03506a] 363,523,859 F3E4EF5E
1. Introduction to SOLIDWORKS.mp4 [3a19583f89a78654] 28,985,556 C6C302CF
2. User Interface of SOLIDWORKS.mp4 [59f884bf404bcc69] 65,205,320 1C5A0F70
3. Customizing Command Managers and Toolbars in SOLIDWORKS.mp4 [938a9aebb37b9aca] 40,065,534 2B027F56
4. Starting a New File and Opening an Existing one in SOLIDWORKS.mp4 [2f63309c8cc40e22] 23,197,965 E44889E9
5. Entering the Sketching Environment.mp4 [e6f69e2ec9ec7912] 33,579,706 4484E6BD
6. Creating Line, Centerline, and Midpoint Line.mp4 [df8c78656d165714] 62,909,402 0244F035

Total size: 6,000,484,711
RAR Recovery
Not Present