Providing info to the public and those not-l33t-enough sceners ;)
  • Anonymous
  • 2023-11-09 01:39:00
  • MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 BERC File size CRC
Stored files
10,428 7F07E658
286,348 18AE483F
299 024CDDD4
349 9421BB25
8,207 12F31891
7,893 C250C23D
7,781 7F454A06
7,770 259F496B
7,227 6EEC9F09
Music files
01-wampyric_rites-la_gelida_nieblina_asciende_de_las_tierras_australes-berc.mp3 20,052,163 22DDB16E
02-wampyric_rites-the_mystical_singing_of_the_lone_wolf_in_a_cold_forest-berc.mp3 18,882,363 C73384F1
03-moloch-the_black_moon_shadows-berc.mp3 7,156,346 AA80170B
04-moloch-enthroned_thy_unholy_spirit-berc.mp3 13,644,913 8234C9A4
05-moloch-the_serpent_cult_of_darkness-berc.mp3 3,263,970 32DCD702

Total size: 62,999,755
Labels MUSIC, MP3